Our Services
New Leaf Autism & ABA is an approved clinical provider and Ministry (MCCSS) funding can be used to purchase any of our services at this time.
Clinical Services
PEAK Relational Training System
Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge, PEAK is an extensively researched, clinically versatile and empirically supported assessment tool that takes traditional ABA assessments to a new level by assessing and training for equivalences and relational learning. The PEAK Comprehensive Assessment is the only standardized assessment in the ABA world and focuses primarily on expressive and receptive language skills that range from basic single sound utterances to complex cognition proficiencies such as abstract induction and deduction. Use of the PEAK assessment and curriculum has been shown to have an impact on reducing challenging behaviours and increasing IQ.
Want to know more about PEAK and how we incorporate it into our individualized instructional design? Contact us today or visit their website.
Centre-Based Clinical Services (Ages 18 months – 18 years)
Our Centre based services take place at the New Leaf Centre, conveniently located at the corner of Montrose Rd and Thorold Stone Rd in Niagara Falls.
Our in-centre services use the principles of ABA to work on increasing your child’s skills and decreasing challenging behaviour, if needed. At New Leaf, we customize each child’s programming to capitalize on their unique strengths and help bridge the gap between their current skills and where they need to be. We focus on the entire child, with emphasis placed on learning functional, adaptive skills in a fun and supportive environment.
We use 1:1 teaching and small group intervention to work on specific skills with your child.
At New Leaf, we use ABA to improve:
- Social skills
- Language and communication
- Motor skills
- Activities of daily living
- Academics
- Challenging behaviour
Within each of these broad domains, we use a combination of assessment results and parent input to select individualized goals geared to the specific skill gaps of your child.
All ABA programs qualify for MCCSS funding and are overseen by a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA) to ensure highly quality programming and implementation with your child.
Our in-centre services are offered in 12-week blocks, with sessions running either 3 hours or 4 hours in length.
Morning session times are 9am -12pm or 8:30am – 12:30pm
Afternoon session times are 1 – 4pm or 1 – 5pm
We also offer extended hours for those families with a busy schedule, and can accommodate before and after session care if your family requires it!
All children will have an initial intake assessment prior to starting services, or prior to restarting services after more than 12 weeks away from service.
We are currently registering children for January 4, 2021 (with assessments being completed in December 2020).
Click here to register.
Consulting Services
Our clinical team is available to consult to families of any age who require assistance with managing challenging behaviours, or increasing skill development.
We also consult to community agencies and other requiring the services of a Behaviour Analyst.
Click here to register.
Assessment Services
Our assessment services are individualized just like all of our services. This means that the assessment used for your child is not a blanket approach and is instead selected based on the clinical tool that would be most suitable to their current skill repertoire. Often a combination of assessments are used and the results of these assessments are used to guide your child’s instructional design and intervention.
Some of the assessments we use include:
- Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)
- Ages: 0-3 years
- Focuses on skills that are specific to the domains associated with a diagnosis of ASD
- Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK):
- Approved Provider: Level 1
- Ages: 0-85+ years
- Language based assessment that aims to improve the core foundational verbal behaviour skills as well as higher level cognition skills that ensure a child is able to learn rather than using rote/memorized responses
- Verbal Behaviour-Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) or The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills - Revised (ABLLS-R)
- Ages: 0-4 (or 5)
- Language based assessment that focuses on improving the verbal skills of children diagnosed with ASD
- Focuses on very early learning and readiness skills
- The Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS):
- Ages: 5-adult
- Identifies deficits in skills related to daily living, community, home, school, vocational and independence
- Inventory of Good Learner Repertoires (IGLR):
- Ages: 3+
- Assesses learning to learn skills and barriers which may be impeded an individuals ability to learn efficiently and effectively.
- Focus is on teaching skills that improve ones progress such as tolerating no, waiting, persistence and impulsivity.
- Functional Behaviour Assessments (including Functional Analyses when appropriate)
- Ages: All.
- Addresses the potential environmental factors which may be maintaining a challenging/maladaptive behaviour.
- Results from this process allow clinicians to implement functionally equivalent and appropriate alternatives to the challenging behaviour.
- Utilizes both direct and indirect methods of assessment such as direct observations, data collection and analysis, questionnaires and environmental manipulations.
- Individualized Assessment and Instructional Design:
- Ages: All.
- Regardless of the assessment that is determined to be the most appropriate based on age, skill level and goals, each person also gets an individualized assessment of their skills, progress and unique learning preferences and trajectory.
- This is an ongoing process that is used to guide goals and programming.
Click here to register.
Precision Teaching
Precision Teaching is a system of that allows our instructors to make informed evidence based decisions when teaching any skill to a learner. This system of measurement gives our clinicians the ability to pinpoint different skill concerns to produce superior learning outcomes for our learners.
Ages: All.
Parent Training
Clinic Nights
(Currently offered to families receiving ABA services only)
Occur monthly (3rd Thursday of the month) from 5-8 PM at New Leaf
A parent guided 60 min 1:1 appointment with a BCBA to discuss a current concern, struggle or skill. Topics can range from using reinforcement or token systems at home to identifying why a challenging behaviour is occurring and everything in between.
Get clinical recommendations and resources unique to your situation.
Times must be booked in advance (at least 1-week)
Click here to register
Drop-In Nights
These nights are first-come, first-serve and are open to anyone meeting the prerequisite criteria.
A variety of topics and ages are covered ensuring that there is an interest for everyone.
Registration is required and there is a small fee for these events (this fee is not covered by Ministry funding at this time).
The purpose of drop-in nights is to have fun and meet peers (this is not a clinical service although ABA strategies are incorporated into the evening.
Check our Facebook or Instagram page for any upcoming drop-in nights and themes and register online.
Our Intake Process
All of our services require an initial intake/assessment of the individual attending services (this applies to individual services).
The intake will be scheduled at the centre and will allow our clinicians to assess current skills and abilities as well as any potential barriers to learning such as challenging behaviours.
Based on the results of the initial assessment it will be determined which subsequent assessment would be most appropriate as well as intensity of service and group suitability.
The results of the intake are communicated with the family and a report is provided summarizing the measures used and results.
Prior to intake, we request background information and input from parents/caregivers on goals for their child and do our best to assess these during our intake process.
Our ABA services are covered by Ministry Funding.
Get In Touch
(905) 353-1725
4030 Montrose Rd Unit 3
Niagara Falls, ON
L2H 3E1
Mon - Fri: 9:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday's 10:00am- 4:00pm